McCain surrogate calls Admiral Mullen defeatist
I was watching This Week in Politics yesterday and I heard a John Lehman call Admiral Mullen a defeatist. I am wondering if anybody else is going to pick this up? The right criticizes the left when...
View ArticleThrough the Looking Glass
Welcome to the other side of the "Looking Glass". I do not know how I got here, do you? I shall soon step outside again, and now I expect to see that the grass is blue and the sky is green.
View ArticleDeregulation and the Housing Market
How did Frannie Mae and Freddie Mac get into trouble? Who was pushing risk loans to borrowers? The answer is people that said "Look there is no rule that we can't loan to people unable to possibly...
View ArticlePalin does not care if you're raped
I just had a thought. Sarah Palin's new "trooper-gate" explanation is that the commissioner was fired because he was lobbying for money for helping prosecute rape cases, and Governor Palin did not...
View ArticleYou think you feel depressed now
If you think you feel depressed now, wait until the bail out does not go through congress. The bail out is a "stop gap" to stop housing prices from falling further. The bail out does solve any other...
View ArticleNovember 4th is approaching
I do not always agree with the left, and I do not always agree with the right, but I feel Barack Obama is who we need as the next president to change the course that the country is heading.
View ArticleThe bail out (rescue plan) and why I hope it fails
I do not wish the bail out plan to fail becuase I think it is not needed. I wish for it to fail because I do not think it is drafted correctly. Democrats have been forced into concessions that should...
View Articlechannel 73 on Dishnetwork is Obama channel
Ido not kmow if anybody has noticed but Dish Network has a channel 73.
View ArticleOld people and a way to make money at the casino
Obama may soon be sworn in as president of the United States, but until the old die off, nothing will change. Do not get me wrong, I am not against old people, my parents are old. My grandparents are...
View ArticleBridgegate was endorsements and more
It was about endorsements, but probably a bit more too.Nobody has noticed the texts. Before the discussion on the Samson/Christie meeting, a name is mentioned along with a question, "Did you speak to...
View ArticleLane Closures Ruined Traffic Study
There was a traffic study, but the lane closures were ruining the traffic study and cost the Port Authority more money./legislativepub/pubhear/exhibit_e.pdf has a list of documents used for...
View ArticleHoboken shows Republicans hate math
I will keep this short and sweet.Mitigation flood planning money was $300 million. Requests by Hoboken was $100mil of $14 billion in total request or 0.00714 (0.714%) of total requests....
View ArticleRepublicans are in favor of "Milking the clock"
Republicans showed they was very upset that according to the CBO report the ACA aka Obamacare would result in what would appear to be 2 million less jobs a year rising to 2.5 million jobs a year. Of...
View ArticlePut minimum wage increases on ballots
Obama gave the hint, now it is time to for those that can to take the hint.Congress won't act to increase the minimum wage and even if they do act, we can increase it more then they are wanting to...
View ArticleSlavery days were the Best
Cliven Bundy is a genius. He exposes the American educational system and "conservative" politicians. He shows people don't think and understand for themselves, pick up on the "dog whistle" talking...
View ArticleObama to GOP: Please proceed
Obama was warned to not take executive order on immigration deportation, as it could cause a constitutional crisis. Obama said in his press conference that before the end of the year, he will act with...
View ArticleDemocrats will lose again in 2018
While I believe that Democrats have a great chance in 2016 to take the White House and the Senate back, they will lose again in 2018, and help give the 2020 census to Republicans giving them even more...
View ArticleBrown was not convicted of shoplifting, and never had day in court to...
I find many things wrong with the Brown/Wilson events, but am deeply concerned with justifications for certain actions by Wilson when being defended for shooting an unarmed person.First is the "strong...
View ArticleThe Freddie Gray rumors to raise reasonable doubt
While some sites and shows have already started discussing Freddie Gray's arrest record, which is different then his actual conviction record, and a rumor that he suffered a previous injury to his...
View ArticleFor some of you, shut up about break down of family structure and absent fathers
Fathers absent from families. Break down of the family structure. Young men growing up without male role models in their lives.You can watch or read or hear it everywhere, both from the right, the...
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